Clear Booksacks

Clear booksack information for next year:

Each student will receive a clear booksack purchased by the district at the beginning of the school year. We will distribute booksacks at Open House before the start of school. Students have the option of purchasing their own clear booksacks, but it must meet the requirements. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Clear booksacks cannot have mesh on the front, back, or inside. However, booksacks may have mesh on the sides for holding water bottles like the one pictured below. The one in the photo is the exact model that our students will receive. 2. Students who need to bring hygiene products may use a small bag to hold them that may be placed inside the booksack. 3. Students may not use stickers to obscure or cover the booksack. The contents should be easily visible. The picture below is the book sack that the district will provide.