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Congratulations to the 2025 Pointe Coupee Parish Principal of the Year, Sara Taylor and the 2025 Pointe Coupee Parish Teachers of the Year, Nikki Torres (Elementary) and Mike Brown (Middle and High School).  

Superintendent Canezaro celebrated the success of these staff members with a special lunch on Friday to honor the dedication and service they provide to students in our parish. They have proven to be valuable assets to our District and were rewarded for a job well done! They will represent our District in Regional/ State competitions later in the year. 

Mrs. Taylor has led her school to increase their overall School Performance Score by increasing the number of students who are on grade level by reaching Mastery or Advanced levels on LEAP assessments. Their mission, "On the Road to Mastery", had students moving toward grade level work to increase assessment scores. While increasing levels they also earned a 95.9 A for the Progress Index where students increased their scores on LEAP from the previous year. 

Mr. Brown's Algebra I classes at STEM performed as the highest Assessment Index of all testing classes in our district and the second highest Progress Index, earning 122.7 of 150 total points possible.  

Mrs. Torres's 4th grade math classes at Valverda performed as the highest Progress Index in our district of all testing classes, earning 131.9 of 150 total possible points. 

 Progress points are given to students who increase their achievement on LEAP tests from the previous year. Both Mr. Brown and Mrs. Torres' classes were labeled an A for progress!